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Art, Schools, Art Schools, Romanticism,properties,Artist,imagination,Eugène Delacroix,El Greco,

Romantic art school emerged in the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth century, and explained to a large extent that the development of civilization at the time, which began with the progress of science and the expansion of knowledge.

Romance based on emotion, imagination and inspiration more than logic, these technical school and tend to express their emotions and feelings and behaviors automatic free.

Artist romantic also chose a strange topics unfamiliar in the art, such as Eastern landscapes, as well as famous in the romantic school landscape affecting full of sensations and emotions, which led to the discovery of new capacity to the movements of the brush integrated in vibrant colors, stir nationalism and national emotions and exaggerating the dramatic scenes .

And provides artist romance that truth and beauty in mind and not in the eye, not interested in romantic art school familiar with life daily, but expanded beyond the distant past worlds, and directed their lights the darkness of the Middle Ages, and carried well beyond the Middle secrets where fantasy and magic and mystery.

Romantic school properties

The introduction of a sense of imagination: He was not sitting to watch this scene and portrays him; but he inspired his imagination depicts predation, and showed the brutality of the animal in his attack. 
Express their own feelings of the artist: It is possible that this scene is an expression of what he went through the period of the artist in the French Revolution, and before and what happened to them from the violence and predation and brutality.
Interest in color: see here that the artist did not use shadow and light strongly, but through color powerful expression as you can see that the lines are no longer sharp.

Of the leading artists of the romantic school

One of the most important and the most famous artists of all romance (Eugène Delacroix) and (El Greco).

Some other school romantic paintings

Caspar David Friedrich, Wanderer above the Sea of Fog, 1818
Art, Schools, Art Schools, Romanticism,properties,Artist,imagination,Eugène Delacroix,El Greco,
Eugène Delacroix, Death of Sardanapalus, 1827, taking its Orientalist subject from a play by Lord Byron
Art, Schools, Art Schools, Romanticism,properties,Artist,imagination,Eugène Delacroix,El Greco,
Philipp Otto Runge, The Morning, 1808
Art, Schools, Art Schools, Romanticism,properties,Artist,imagination,Eugène Delacroix,El Greco,



Art, Schools, Art Schools, Romanticism,properties,Artist,imagination,Eugène Delacroix,El Greco,

Romantic art school emerged in the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth century, and explained to a large extent that the development of civilization at the time, which began with the progress of science and the expansion of knowledge.

Romance based on emotion, imagination and inspiration more than logic, these technical school and tend to express their emotions and feelings and behaviors automatic free.

Artist romantic also chose a strange topics unfamiliar in the art, such as Eastern landscapes, as well as famous in the romantic school landscape affecting full of sensations and emotions, which led to the discovery of new capacity to the movements of the brush integrated in vibrant colors, stir nationalism and national emotions and exaggerating the dramatic scenes .

And provides artist romance that truth and beauty in mind and not in the eye, not interested in romantic art school familiar with life daily, but expanded beyond the distant past worlds, and directed their lights the darkness of the Middle Ages, and carried well beyond the Middle secrets where fantasy and magic and mystery.

Romantic school properties

The introduction of a sense of imagination: He was not sitting to watch this scene and portrays him; but he inspired his imagination depicts predation, and showed the brutality of the animal in his attack. 
Express their own feelings of the artist: It is possible that this scene is an expression of what he went through the period of the artist in the French Revolution, and before and what happened to them from the violence and predation and brutality.
Interest in color: see here that the artist did not use shadow and light strongly, but through color powerful expression as you can see that the lines are no longer sharp.

Of the leading artists of the romantic school

One of the most important and the most famous artists of all romance (Eugène Delacroix) and (El Greco).

Some other school romantic paintings

Caspar David Friedrich, Wanderer above the Sea of Fog, 1818
Art, Schools, Art Schools, Romanticism,properties,Artist,imagination,Eugène Delacroix,El Greco,
Eugène Delacroix, Death of Sardanapalus, 1827, taking its Orientalist subject from a play by Lord Byron
Art, Schools, Art Schools, Romanticism,properties,Artist,imagination,Eugène Delacroix,El Greco,
Philipp Otto Runge, The Morning, 1808
Art, Schools, Art Schools, Romanticism,properties,Artist,imagination,Eugène Delacroix,El Greco,