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Claude Monet Auska

Artists,Claude ,Monet ,Auska,French,art, famous,painter,works,

On 14/11/1840 born French artist Claude Monet, who was one of the most prominent leaders of the method of painting outdoors, and one of the founders of the Impressionist months, in the beginning of his love the sea and remained passionate him throughout his life.

And when he reached the age of fifteen he had excelled in cartoons, even famous to the extent that earned him money from them when it was painted faces against the twenty francs per fee per , and in 1859 he traveled to the Pars to join the Swiss Academy. The following year he joined the army and was sent to Algeria, and are described intense colors and the colors glowing in the east of the country on himself.

But his injury typhoid fever precipitated honorably discharged from the Army, he left to Paris to continue to learn the art, and there are well established relationship with some of the young artists such as Renoir, in 1874, he came out with his friends to paint from nature in a forest Fontenilo.

During the eighties of the nineteenth century thought Monet to become a painter of people down at the advice of his friends, including the painter Renoir, after the 1890 Monet stopped drawing boards where people appear to move to the painting, which, on one theme, is the subject of haystacks coordinated in various forms in a field next to Home.

In 1899 Monet began to paint his paintings of his garden was established in the early eighties that which made her a plate exquisite coordination of trees, flowers, daffodils and Willow ... While surrounding a pond and a bridge, colors and lights reflected standing, place charm and beauty, died on December 5, 1926, leaving several plates remind each other.

 Some of his works

Lunch on the Grass 1865-1866
Artists,Claude ,Monet ,Auska,French,art, famous,painter,works,

Women in the Garden 1867, Museum of Orsay, Paris
Artists,Claude ,Monet ,Auska,French,art, famous,painter,works,

Woman with a Parasol - Madame Monet and Her Son, 1875
Artists,Claude ,Monet ,Auska,French,art, famous,painter,works,

La Grenouillere 1869, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Artists,Claude ,Monet ,Auska,French,art, famous,painter,works,

Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Portrait of Claude Monet, 1875, Musée d'Orsay
Artists,Claude ,Monet ,Auska,French,art, famous,painter,works,

Claude Monet Auska

Claude Monet Auska

Artists,Claude ,Monet ,Auska,French,art, famous,painter,works,

On 14/11/1840 born French artist Claude Monet, who was one of the most prominent leaders of the method of painting outdoors, and one of the founders of the Impressionist months, in the beginning of his love the sea and remained passionate him throughout his life.

And when he reached the age of fifteen he had excelled in cartoons, even famous to the extent that earned him money from them when it was painted faces against the twenty francs per fee per , and in 1859 he traveled to the Pars to join the Swiss Academy. The following year he joined the army and was sent to Algeria, and are described intense colors and the colors glowing in the east of the country on himself.

But his injury typhoid fever precipitated honorably discharged from the Army, he left to Paris to continue to learn the art, and there are well established relationship with some of the young artists such as Renoir, in 1874, he came out with his friends to paint from nature in a forest Fontenilo.

During the eighties of the nineteenth century thought Monet to become a painter of people down at the advice of his friends, including the painter Renoir, after the 1890 Monet stopped drawing boards where people appear to move to the painting, which, on one theme, is the subject of haystacks coordinated in various forms in a field next to Home.

In 1899 Monet began to paint his paintings of his garden was established in the early eighties that which made her a plate exquisite coordination of trees, flowers, daffodils and Willow ... While surrounding a pond and a bridge, colors and lights reflected standing, place charm and beauty, died on December 5, 1926, leaving several plates remind each other.

 Some of his works

Lunch on the Grass 1865-1866
Artists,Claude ,Monet ,Auska,French,art, famous,painter,works,

Women in the Garden 1867, Museum of Orsay, Paris
Artists,Claude ,Monet ,Auska,French,art, famous,painter,works,

Woman with a Parasol - Madame Monet and Her Son, 1875
Artists,Claude ,Monet ,Auska,French,art, famous,painter,works,

La Grenouillere 1869, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Artists,Claude ,Monet ,Auska,French,art, famous,painter,works,

Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Portrait of Claude Monet, 1875, Musée d'Orsay
Artists,Claude ,Monet ,Auska,French,art, famous,painter,works,