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Cubism originated after influential school by 1907, as a reaction of the artists of Cubism on the influential school that adopted the philosophy of the direct perception of things and what the eye sees and registered by the effect of light and time on things.

Cubism are so artistic direction which was taken geometric forms the basis for the construction of the artwork if the school has to believe the theory of crystallization, which is mining engineering assets objects.

Adopted Cubism on the geometric line basis for each shape As we use the artist straight line and curved line, it was the way in whih either cylindrical or spherical, as well as the back of the box and geometric shapes flat in the spaces that scurround the subject, and a variety of engineering space in the shapes depending on the diversity of lines and shapes and different trends, we've Cezanne was the first of the Nativity of the direction the cube, but the main pillar is the artist (Pablo Picasso) to continue to be identified and developed for a long period of time.

The objective of Cubism not focus on things, but on the independent forms set strict geometric lines, the thought of Cubism artists they have made visible things are actually art form, was the beginning of this movement phase initiated by the artist Cezanne between 1907/1909.

The first phase of Cubism and the second stage is the stage of analytical cubism, and are intended to analyze the shapes in nature and rebuilt in a new way. This phase began in 1910/1912 as artist analyzed the forms accurately, and showed parts cubical shapes style.

The third phase of the unified image configuration, and beginning in 1913/1914 and focused on the design and the subject of a coherent and clear-cut lines through Cubism.

Pablo Picasso is the most famous artists of this school, as well as artist (Braque) and others have many pictures of Picasso paintings, it was the most prominent artists of Cubism productive, and most famous works (Guernica), which represents the Spanish tragedy in the First World War.


Says the famous phrase of the French artist "Paul Cezanne": "The ball, roller, and the cone is the essence of the nature of the structure," Overall, the Cubist school in art have originated from a kind of ambiguity in the understanding of this phrase, it was not the purpose is to impose these geometric shapes nature, as it actually exists.

Most famous artists cubism

The "Pablo Picasso's" most famous artists of this school and the most productive, and considers painting "Guernica," one of his most famous work, which is the tragedy of the German bombardment of the city of "Guernica" depicts Spain during the Spanish Civil War as well as the Spanish artist's "Pablo Picasso", and the French artist "Paul Cezanne "it has been enriched by French artists" Georges Braque "and" Marcel Duchamp "and" Fernand Léger "artistic direction cube, which is one of the most important trends of art in the modern era.

Some other paintings of the school of Cubism

Pablo Picasso, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907.

Pablo Picasso, 1909-10, Figure dans un Fauteuil (Seated Nude, Femme nue assise).

Paul Cézanne, Quarry Bibémus, 1898-1900.

Jean Metzinger, La Femme au Cheval, Woman with a horse, 1911-1912.

Juan Gris, Portrait of Picasso, 1912, oil on canvas.




Cubism originated after influential school by 1907, as a reaction of the artists of Cubism on the influential school that adopted the philosophy of the direct perception of things and what the eye sees and registered by the effect of light and time on things.

Cubism are so artistic direction which was taken geometric forms the basis for the construction of the artwork if the school has to believe the theory of crystallization, which is mining engineering assets objects.

Adopted Cubism on the geometric line basis for each shape As we use the artist straight line and curved line, it was the way in whih either cylindrical or spherical, as well as the back of the box and geometric shapes flat in the spaces that scurround the subject, and a variety of engineering space in the shapes depending on the diversity of lines and shapes and different trends, we've Cezanne was the first of the Nativity of the direction the cube, but the main pillar is the artist (Pablo Picasso) to continue to be identified and developed for a long period of time.

The objective of Cubism not focus on things, but on the independent forms set strict geometric lines, the thought of Cubism artists they have made visible things are actually art form, was the beginning of this movement phase initiated by the artist Cezanne between 1907/1909.

The first phase of Cubism and the second stage is the stage of analytical cubism, and are intended to analyze the shapes in nature and rebuilt in a new way. This phase began in 1910/1912 as artist analyzed the forms accurately, and showed parts cubical shapes style.

The third phase of the unified image configuration, and beginning in 1913/1914 and focused on the design and the subject of a coherent and clear-cut lines through Cubism.

Pablo Picasso is the most famous artists of this school, as well as artist (Braque) and others have many pictures of Picasso paintings, it was the most prominent artists of Cubism productive, and most famous works (Guernica), which represents the Spanish tragedy in the First World War.


Says the famous phrase of the French artist "Paul Cezanne": "The ball, roller, and the cone is the essence of the nature of the structure," Overall, the Cubist school in art have originated from a kind of ambiguity in the understanding of this phrase, it was not the purpose is to impose these geometric shapes nature, as it actually exists.

Most famous artists cubism

The "Pablo Picasso's" most famous artists of this school and the most productive, and considers painting "Guernica," one of his most famous work, which is the tragedy of the German bombardment of the city of "Guernica" depicts Spain during the Spanish Civil War as well as the Spanish artist's "Pablo Picasso", and the French artist "Paul Cezanne "it has been enriched by French artists" Georges Braque "and" Marcel Duchamp "and" Fernand Léger "artistic direction cube, which is one of the most important trends of art in the modern era.

Some other paintings of the school of Cubism

Pablo Picasso, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907.

Pablo Picasso, 1909-10, Figure dans un Fauteuil (Seated Nude, Femme nue assise).

Paul Cézanne, Quarry Bibémus, 1898-1900.

Jean Metzinger, La Femme au Cheval, Woman with a horse, 1911-1912.

Juan Gris, Portrait of Picasso, 1912, oil on canvas.