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Edouard Manet

Edouard, Manet,Artists,French, painter,Impressionism,Art,Biography,works,Painting

Edouard Manet (born in Paris on January 23, 1832 - died in Paris on April 30, 1883) is a major French painter of the late nineteenth century. Forerunner of the modern painting he freed from academicism, Edouard Manet is wrongly considered as one of the fathers of Impressionism new techniques of color and the particular treatment of light.

It nevertheless approaches some recurring themes such as portraits, seascapes, Parisian life or even still lifes, while painting in a personal way, in a first period, scenes of genre.Refusing to study law and failing to become a naval officer, the young Edouard Manet entered the workshop of the painter Thomas Couture in 1850 where he began his training as a painter, but he left it in 1856. As early as 1860 , He presents his first paintings.

His following paintings, Lola de Valencia, Bullfighting, Lunch on the Grass or Olympia, make scandal. Manet is rejected from the official exhibitions, and plays a leading role in the "elegant bohemian". He frequented artists who admired him as Henri Fantin-Latour or Edgar Degas and men of letters such as the poet Charles Baudelaire or the novelist Émile Zola, of which he painted a still famous portrait. At that time, he painted The Fife Player (1866).

After the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 in which he took part, Manet supported the Impressionists, among whom he had close friends such as Claude Monet, Auguste Renoir or Berthe Morisot who became his sister-in-law and whose famous portrait was to be noticed. He will make her, Berthe Morisot with a bouquet of violets (1872). 

At their contact, he partly left the painting of workshop for the painting outdoors in Argenteuil and Gennevilliers, where it owns a house. His palette is cleared up as Argenteuil testifies in 1874. He nevertheless retains his personal approach, made up of careful composition and concerned with reality, and continues to paint many subjects, in particular places of leisure such as Au Café (1878), La Serveuse Bocks (1879) and his last great canvas. A bar at the Folies Bergère (1881-1882), but also the world of the humble (Paveurs de la Rue Mosnier, 1878) or self-portraits (Autoportrait à la palette, 1879).

He also painted still lifes, often realized for financial reasons, but nevertheless showed the great art of the painter, who succeeded in representing flowers, fruits and vegetables in a dramatic mise en scène. Manet also made portraits of women (Nana, 1877, Blonde woman with naked breasts, 1878) or of his familiar ones like the poet Stéphane Mallarmé in 1876 or Georges Clemenceau in 1879-1880. 

He became more and more recognized and received the Legion of Honor on January 1, 1882. However, victim of syphilis and rheumatism, he suffered, from 1876, his left leg that will have to amputate.

Edouard Manet died of gangrene at 51 years old in 1883 and left more than four hundred paintings, pastels, sketches and watercolors. His greatest works are now visible in all the museums of the world, especially at the Musée d'Orsay in Paris.

Some of his works

A Bar at the Folies-Bergère 1862
Edouard, Manet,Artists,French, painter,Impressionism,Art,Biography,works,Painting

The Kearsarge at Boulogne1864
Edouard, Manet,Artists,French, painter,Impressionism,Art,Biography,works,Painting

Lola de Valence 1862
Edouard, Manet,Artists,French, painter,Impressionism,Art,Biography,works,Painting

Portrait of Monsieur and Madame Auguste Manet 1860
Edouard, Manet,Artists,French, painter,Impressionism,Art,Biography,works,Painting

Ragpicker 1865–1870
Edouard, Manet,Artists,French, painter,Impressionism,Art,Biography,works,Painting

Edouard Manet

Francisco de Goya

Francisco ,de Goya,Artists,Art,works,Biography,Painting,Fuendetodos, near Saragossa

Francisco de Goya y Lucientes, known as Francisco de Goya, born on March 30, 1746 in Fuendetodos, near Saragossa, and died April 16, 1828 in Bordeaux, France, is a Spanish painter and engraver. 

His work includes easel paintings, murals, engravings and drawings. He introduced several stylistic ruptures that initiated romanticism and announced the beginning of contemporary painting.
Goyesque art is considered as a forerunner of the pictorial avant-gardes of the twentieth century.

After a slow apprenticeship in his native land, bathed in late baroque style and pious images, he traveled to Italy in 1770, where he came into contact with the neo-classicism he adopted when he moved to Madrid Mid-decade, in parallel with a Rococo style related to his job as a tapestry designer for the Royal Manufactory of Santa Barbara. 

His teaching, both in these activities and as a painter of the Chamber, was assured by Raphael Mengs, while the most famous Spanish painter was Francisco Bayeu, Goya's brother-in-law.

He contracted a serious illness in 1793 which brought him closer to more creative and original paintings, around less consensual themes than the models he had painted for the decoration of the royal palaces. A series of tin paintings, which he called "caprice and invention", initiated the maturity phase of the painter and the transition to romantic aesthetics.

His work also reflects the caprices of the history of his time, and especially the upheavals of the Napoleonic wars in Spain. The War Disasters series is almost a modern report on the atrocities committed and highlights a heroism in which victims are individuals who do not belong to a particular class or condition.

The celebrity of his work La Maja nue is partly related to the controversies about the identity of the beautiful woman who served as a model. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, he also began to paint other portraits and thus opened the way to a new bourgeois art. 

At the end of the Franco-Spanish conflict, he painted two large canvases on the May 2, 1808 uprising, setting a precedent both aesthetic and thematic on historical paintings, which not only informs about the events experienced by the painter, but also A message of universal humanism.

His masterpiece is the series of oil paintings on dry wall that decorate his country house, the Black Paintings. With them, Goya anticipates contemporary painting and various avant-garde movements of the twentieth century.

 Some of his works

The Third of May 1808
Francisco ,de Goya,Artists,Art,works,Biography,Painting,Fuendetodos, near Saragossa

The Colossus 1808–1812
Francisco ,de Goya,Artists,Art,works,Biography,Painting,Fuendetodos, near Saragossa

Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zúñiga 1787–88
Francisco ,de Goya,Artists,Art,works,Biography,Painting,Fuendetodos, near Saragossa

The Black Duchess 1797
Francisco ,de Goya,Artists,Art,works,Biography,Painting,Fuendetodos, near Saragossa

The Family of the Infante Don Luis 1784
Francisco ,de Goya,Artists,Art,works,Biography,Painting,Fuendetodos, near Saragossa

Francisco de Goya

Paul Gauguin

Paul ,Gauguin,Artists,Art,works,biography

Paul Gauguin, born on 7 June 1848 in Paris and died on 8 May 1903 in Atuona, Hiva Oa, in the Marquesas Islands, is a postimpressionist painter. A leader of the École de Pont-Aven and inspiring the nabis, he is considered one of the major French painters of the nineteenth century, and one of the most important precursors of modern art with Munch and Cézanne.

The painter spent his childhood years in Lima, where his father, who died during the trip in 1851 off Punta Arenas and buried in Puerto del Hambre, was fleeing the political regime of Napoleon III, the author of the coup d With the support of the State in the same year. 

After returning to France at the age of 7, Paul studied, first at the Petit Séminaire de La Chapelle-Saint-Mesmin, directed by Bishop Félix Dupanloup, then at Orléans, notably at the Pothier High School.

In 1882, he abandoned his job as a stockbroker to devote himself to his new passion, painting. From January to November 1884, he settled in Rouen, where Camille Pissarro, who had guided him in his approach to Impressionism, also lives. During these 10 months spent in Rouen, he realized nearly forty paintings, mainly views of the city and its surroundings.

This is not enough to live and he goes to live with his wife and children in his family in Copenhagen. The current goes badly with the in-laws. His business is not going well. He returned to Paris in 1885 to paint full-time, leaving wife and children in Denmark, unable to afford their subsistence; It is torn by this situation. He participated, from 1879 to 1886, in the last five exhibitions of the Impressionist group.

Some of his works

Tahitian Women on the Beach 1891
Paul ,Gauguin,Artists,Art,works,biography

When Will You Marry? 1892
Paul ,Gauguin,Artists,Art,works,biography

Landscape near Arles 1888
Paul ,Gauguin,Artists,Art,works,biography

Riders on the beach 1902 
Paul ,Gauguin,Artists,Art,works,biography

Martinique Landscape 1887 
Paul ,Gauguin,Artists,Art,works,biography

Paul Gauguin

Jackson Pollock

Jackson ,Pollock,Artists,New York,American ,painter,abstract ,expressionism,Works,biography

Jackson Pollock, born January 28, 1912 in Cody, Wyoming and died on August 11, 1956, in Springs, New York, is an American painter of abstract expressionism, world-wide known during his lifetime.
Jackson Pollock has produced more than 700 works, completed paintings, painted or sculpted essays and drawings as well as some engravings. 

Pollock had a decisive influence on the course of contemporary art. The practice of all-over as well as the "dripping", which he used extensively from 1947 to 1950, made him famous thanks to the photos and films of Hans Namuth, realized more or less in the heat of the action .

This recognition, late after a lifetime of embarrassment, coincided with the emergence of New York as the new world capital of culture shortly after the Second World War between 1948 and 1950. 

Pollock was the first of the third wave of " American abstract artists to be finally recognized, opening a passage in the midst of collectors to other artists of the New York school.

In 1945, Pollock married the painter Lee Krasner, who had a decisive influence on his career and on the valorization of his work.

 Some of his works

Autumn Rhythm (Number 30) 1950
Jackson ,Pollock,Artists,New York,American ,painter,abstract ,expressionism,Works,biography

Stenographic Figure 1942
Jackson ,Pollock,Artists,New York,American ,painter,abstract ,expressionism,Works,biography

Blue (Moby Dick) 1943
Jackson ,Pollock,Artists,New York,American ,painter,abstract ,expressionism,Works,biography

Mural on Indian red ground 1950
Jackson ,Pollock,Artists,New York,American ,painter,abstract ,expressionism,Works,biography

Number 8 1949
Jackson ,Pollock,Artists,New York,American ,painter,abstract ,expressionism,Works,biography

Jackson Pollock

Albrecht Dürer

Albrecht, Dürer,artists,Nuremberg,Germanpainter, engraver ,painter,

Albrecht Dürer, born May 21, 1471 in Nuremberg, where he died on April 6, 1528, is a German painter, engraver and painter also known as the theoretician of the geometry of linear perspective. He signed Albertus Dürer Noricus or Dürer Alemanus or, more often, his monogram.

Albrecht Dürer is the third child of Albrecht Dürer the Elder, a goldsmith from Ajtós in Hungary who arrived in Nuremberg in 1455, and Barbara Holper, daughter of a Nuremberg goldsmith.

At age 13, he began his three-year apprenticeship and learned to use the chisel and tip. Seeing his son's gifts for drawing, his father allowed him to enter the studio of a painter; At the end of 1486, he became the apprentice of Michael Wolgemut, with whom he learned how to handle pen and brush, to copy and draw from nature, to paint landscapes with water and oil.

Almost immediately, in the autumn of 1494, he left his wife for a trip to Northern Italy, mainly to Venice and perhaps Padua, Mantua and Cremona. His friend Pirkheimer was then a student in Pavia. On the way back he painted in the Alps a series of landscape watercolors.

Some of his works

Self-Portrait 1498
Albrecht, Dürer,artists,Nuremberg,Germanpainter, engraver ,painter,

Great Piece of Turf 1503
Albrecht, Dürer,artists,Nuremberg,Germanpainter, engraver ,painter,

Portrait of a Venetian Woman 1505
Albrecht, Dürer,artists,Nuremberg,Germanpainter, engraver ,painter,

St. Jerome in the Wilderness 
Albrecht, Dürer,artists,Nuremberg,Germanpainter, engraver ,painter,

Portrait of Jakob Fugger 1520
Albrecht, Dürer,artists,Nuremberg,Germanpainter, engraver ,painter,

Albrecht Dürer

Jan van Eyck

Jan ,van, Eyck,Artists,artworks,biography,Art,paiting,Maaseik,Bruges

Jan van Eyck, born about 1390 perhaps at Maaseik and died in Bruges on 9 July 1441) is a painter born in the territories subject to the authority of the Prince-Bishop of Liège Jean de Bavière (1390-1417), who becomes Its protector. 

He is famous for his portraits of meticulous realism. His most famous paintings are The Arnolfini and the Virgin of Chancellor Rolin. He also finished the famous altarpiece of The Mystical Lamb, begun by his brother Hubert van Eyck. He is one of the first artists to sign their works.

Van Eyck's technical contribution to western painting is crucial. He wore the technique of oil painting to perfection. The binder used by Van Eyck was based on drying oil and another element that made the binder consistent, which was one of the difficulties encountered by users of oil painting before.

He carried the technique of oil painting and the realism of the details to a peak never before achieved, the Flemish technique also allowing the sharpness of these.The work of Jan van Eyck, apart from this exceptional masterpiece of the altarpiece of the mystical Lamb, is composed mainly of representations of the Virgin Mary and portraits. Van Eyck was thus considered the founder of the Western portrait.

Some of his works

Madonna of Chancellor Rolin 1435
Jan ,van, Eyck,Artists,artworks,biography,Art,paiting,Maaseik,Bruges

Virgin and Child with Canon van der Paele 1436
Jan ,van, Eyck,Artists,artworks,biography,Art,paiting,Maaseik,Bruges

Ghent Altarpiece  1432
Jan ,van, Eyck,Artists,artworks,biography,Art,paiting,Maaseik,Bruges

Saint Jerome in His Study 1442
Jan ,van, Eyck,Artists,artworks,biography,Art,paiting,Maaseik,Bruges

Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata 1427
Jan ,van, Eyck,Artists,artworks,biography,Art,paiting,Maaseik,Bruges

Jan van Eyck

Joseph Mallord William Turner

Joseph Mallord William Turner, better known as William Turner or his initials J. M. W. Turner, is a British painter, watercolorist and engraver. Initially of the English romantic vein, his work is marked by an audacious innovative research which makes one regarded as the "painter of light" as a precursor of Impressionism, with his contemporary John Constable.

Renowned for his oils, Turner is also one of the greatest English masters of landscapes in watercolor. He gained the nickname of "painter of light". Most of Turner's works are kept at Tate Britain.
He was born between the end of April and the beginning of May 1775 in the district of Covent Garden in London, then baptized on 14 May 1775 and died on 19 December 1851 at Cheyne Walk in the Chelsea district, still in the British capital .

Some of his works

The Fighting Temeraire 1839

Chichester Canal 1828

Modern Rome – Campo Vaccino 1839

Venice: The Dogana and San Giorgio Maggiore 1836

Juliet and her Nurse 1836

Alnwick Castle 1839

Joseph Mallord William Turner

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

Michelangelo ,Merisi ,da ,Caravaggio,Artists ,biography,works,artworks,Italian painter

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, is an Italian painter born on 29 September 1571 in Milan and died on 18 July 1610 in Porto Ercole.His powerful and innovative work revolutionized the paintings of the seventeenth century by his naturalistic character, his sometimes brutal realism, and the strong use of the technique of chiaroscuro, which went as far as darkness.

 He knew fame during his lifetime and influenced many great painters after him, as evidenced by the appearance of caravaggism.In fact, he achieved great success in the early 1600: working in an environment of cultivated protectors, he obtained prestigious commissions and collectors of very high rank sought his paintings. But then Caravaggio entered a difficult period.

 In 1606, after numerous disputes with the justice of the Papal States, he mortally wounded an opponent in a duel. He then left Rome and spent the rest of his life in exile, in Naples, Malta and Sicily. Until 1610, the year of his death at the age of 38, his paintings are partly intended to redeem this fault.

After a long period of critical oversight, it was not until the beginning of the twentieth century that the genius of Caravaggio was fully recognized, regardless of his sulphurous reputation. Its popular success gives rise to a multitude of novels and films, alongside exhibitions and countless scientific publications which, for a century, completely renew the image.

 He is currently represented in the world's largest museums, despite the limited number of paintings that have survived. However, some paintings that have been discovered for a century still raise questions of attribution.

Some of his paintings

The Calling of St Matthew 1599–1600
Michelangelo ,Merisi ,da ,Caravaggio,Artists ,biography,works,artworks,Italian painter

Basket of Fruit 1599
Michelangelo ,Merisi ,da ,Caravaggio,Artists ,biography,works,artworks,Italian painter

Judith Beheading Holofernes 1598–1599
Michelangelo ,Merisi ,da ,Caravaggio,Artists ,biography,works,artworks,Italian painter

Cardsharps 1594
Michelangelo ,Merisi ,da ,Caravaggio,Artists ,biography,works,artworks,Italian painter

Medusa 1597
Michelangelo ,Merisi ,da ,Caravaggio,Artists ,biography,works,artworks,Italian painter

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

Vassily Kandinsky

Vassily,Kandinsky,Art ,Artists,works,biography,Moscow,Russian painter, engraver, theoretician, poet , playwright,

Vassily Kandinsky, born in Moscow on December 4 (November 22) 1866 and died in Neuilly-sur-Seine, on December 13, 1944, is a Russian painter, engraver, theoretician of art, poet and playwright, naturalized German then French.

Considered one of the most important artists of the twentieth century alongside, notably, Picasso and Matisse, he is one of the founders of abstract art: he is generally regarded as the author of the first non-figurative work Of the history of modern art, a watercolor of 1910 which will be called "abstract".

This watercolor, which would be the first abstract painting in the world, has raised controversies and discussions, and has provoked many contradictory theses. There are two opposing trends: that which really dates from 1910, and which includes it in a series of studies for Composition VII, which rejects this dating and brings it closer to the works and style of 1913.
 Plaid for this latter thesis The format unusual and too large for the time, and especially a late inscription of this work in the handwritten register that regularly keeps Kandinsky from 1919.

Some of his works.

Composition VII -1913
Vassily,Kandinsky,Art ,Artists,works,biography,Moscow,Russian painter, engraver, theoretician, poet , playwright,

Yellow-Red-Blue 1925
Vassily,Kandinsky,Art ,Artists,works,biography,Moscow,Russian painter, engraver, theoretician, poet , playwright,

Transverse Line 1923
Vassily,Kandinsky,Art ,Artists,works,biography,Moscow,Russian painter, engraver, theoretician, poet , playwright,

Autumn in Bavaria 1908
Vassily,Kandinsky,Art ,Artists,works,biography,Moscow,Russian painter, engraver, theoretician, poet , playwright,

On White II 1923
Vassily,Kandinsky,Art ,Artists,works,biography,Moscow,Russian painter, engraver, theoretician, poet , playwright,

Vassily Kandinsky